Thursday, September 17, 2009

δούλος of Christ, welcome

Hello all! Welcome to the first post in what I hope becomes a long and healthy series of posts that provide some more reflection upon the thoughts listed on and, occasionally, some more in-depth analysis. They'll probably have my little twist on them, but maybe that's beneficial to you. However, in an aside from what this blog will most commonly be about, I thought I should write about a concept that I find to be of great importance in the Christian walk. In a book given to me by pastor Jason called Worship Matters: Leading Others To Encounter The Greatness Of God, there is a concept brought up that is of great importance. This first bit of wisdom is that the "mind and heart belong together." That is, what the mind dwells upon and pours over, what one enjoys the most, what one is passionate about and what one feels depressed without, what one fears losing the most reveals the hearts intent. I want to ask, are your mind and heart in conflict? Saying you search for one thing and your actions reveal otherwise? I know I struggle with this, and others do as well. Using one of Chris' great examples, do you try to fit God into a box and not allow him to encompass your whole life, heart mind an soul? I ask this because if you truly are a δούλος of Christ, then it is really his life, not yours. In keeping with this idea that you are a slave to Christ and your life is his, your speech, conduct, and love should be used by you to change the world around you, and express your relationship with Christ in everyday life. No one will know you are a δούλος of Christ unless your words and actions demonstrate this. For junior highers, I am making a specific reference to the parable brought to us this night by Ted about building the house on rock or on sand. I hope you keep these things in mind, and I hope that we all truly act like the δούλος of Christ that we are.

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